Flag of Austria,The Republic of Austria

National Flag
The Republic of Austria national flag,horizontally striped red-white-red national flag. When it is flown by the government, it incorporates a central black eagle. Its width-to-length ratio is 2 to 3.
Adopted on: 1230 Proportion: 2:3 Country: Austria
The national flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. From top to bottom, the flag is composed of three equal parallel rectangles of red, white and red, with the Austrian national emblem in the center. It is said that when the Duke of babenburg of the Austro Hungarian Empire fought with King Richard I in a bloody battle, his white military uniform was dyed red with blood, leaving only a white mark on his sword. This is where the flag comes from. The national flag with national emblem shall be used in formal occasions, and the national flag without national emblem shall be used in general occasions.

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